Hello TTNW Army!! Yes, I'm finally continuing to polish the locals page here on my lunch hour at the day job!, I don't stop!!! LOL. There still tweaks needed in the background of this on the admin side and it is currently in progress. This page is going to be as transparent as can be. Of course, premium content will be an option for you as well. More stuff coming as time permits, just being honest and open and I truly appreciate your patience and support in this journey.
G-d Bless!!
Welcome to Truth Table News World! The locals page will be that special area where VIP content will be provided. Since this is new I have to abide by the rules of "Basic Tier" which limits LIVE streams to 30 min. only and very little upload space until the pages total members breaks over 50. At that time, content and upload space increase to a more beneficial space. Please help the channel by becoming a member and or supporter, we would be truly grateful and would love having you as part of the truth table news world community. Thank You!!